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Our staff
Teachers teach with skill and rigour, showing great courtesy. Staff and students enjoy what they do together.
AHO | Adam Hopkinson | Teacher of Drama |
APR | Alex Percival | Teacher of History |
ABA | Andrew Badger | Principal Teacher of Maths |
AMD | Aamir Mahmood | Teacher of Maths |
AES | Andres Escobar | Teacher of Spanish |
ARA | Anisa Rasib | Teacher of Science |
ASM | Anthony Smith | Teacher of English |
ASW | Ashleigh Willetts | Head of Geography |
BHE | Bethan Herbert | Teacher of Art |
BJE | Bianca Jenkins | Head of English |
CMI | Charlotte Miller | Senior Vice Principal |
CFL | Concepcion Fernandez-Lopez | Head of MFL |
CSH | Carolyn Shaw | Head of Science |
DND | Danyal Dar | Teacher of PE / Acting Head of Faculty |
DBA | David Barnard | Teacher of Computing |
DKH | Danish Khalid | Teacher of PE / Acting Head of Faculty |
ECR | Elizabeth Crossley | Teacher of Spanish / Head of Year |
FBH | Faique Bhatti | Teacher of RE |
FAS | Faiza Salhi | Teacher of Science / Head of Year |
HFE | Hannah Ferus | Teacher of Geography |
JPA | Jaina Patel | Teacher of English |
JWA | Josephine Warden | Teacher of SEN |
KSA | Karen Sangha | Principal Teacher of Maths |
KJE | Katie Jennings | Teacher of Science / Head of Year |
KLA | Katie Lawrence | Assistant Vice Principal / ECT Lead |
KTA | Kiran Tahir | Teacher of RE / Head of Year |
LFI | Luke Fieldhouse | Head of History |
LJO | Lynsey Jones | SENDCo |
MSA | Mohammed Sakab | Vice Principal |
MUN | Munaza Mir | Vice Principal |
NHU | Neelam Hussain | Teacher of PE |
NSH | Natalia Shved | Principal Teacher of Maths |
RWI | Richard Wilson | Principal |
RWO | Rebecca Woodward | Principal Teacher of English |
SBL | Sam Bland | Assistant Vice Principal |
SAZ | Sana Zahid | Teacher of RE |
SAL | Sanna Ali | Teacher of English / Head of Year |
SHD | Shaun Dillon | Teacher of Maths |
SHM | Shazia Mahmood | Principal Teacher of Science |
SMH | Shireen Mahmood | Teacher of Business |
SKH | Shubana Khan | Teacher of Science |
SGA | Simon Gayle | Head of School |
SKI | Steven Kitson | Head of Geography |
TRB | Tara Roberts | Principal Teacher of Science |
TKH | Tasmia Khan | Vice Principal |
TSP | Tetiana Sprowell | Teacher of EAL |
TSM | Tom Smith | Teacher of Geography |
TKO | Tomasz Kowacki | Teacher of Maths |
TRO | Tim Rossell | Teacher of Music |
ZAA | Zainab Ahmed | Teacher of Science |
Associate Staff List
ABI | Amina Bibi | Cleaning Assistant |
AMU | Alona Mudranineca | Catering Assistant |
CLS | Caroline Sutton | Senior Receptionist |
DAA | Daanyaal Ahmed | Reprographics / Administration Assistant |
DDO | Darren Dolphin | Site Assistant |
DHO | Dawn Hockney | Student Support Officer |
FAA | Farah Akhtar | Literacy & Numeracy Champion |
HMI | Heather Milner | Catering Supervisor |
HME | Hewida Megahed | Science Technician |
IPO | Ilona Postolea | Catering Assistant |
KKR | Kalwinder Kaur | Education Social Worker |
KWL | Kate Wlasniak | Learning Support Assistant |
LME | Lesley Mellson | Librarian |
MHA | Mohammed Ali | Cover Supervisor |
MHI | Michael Hirst | Operations & Business Manager |
MIM | Milena Marshall | Administration Assistant |
MMI | Macie Maciejeuwski | Catering / Cleaning Assistant |
NRE | Nadya Rehman | Learning Support Assistant |
NPA | Nirmalaben Patel | Cleaning Assistant |
RIA | Rizwana Asghar | Learning Support Assistant |
RKA | Rehana Kauser | Cleaning Assistant |
RMI | Rekha Mistry | Learning Support Assistant |
RKH | Rahwassia Khan | Administration Officer |
RPR | Robert Pratt | Catering Manager |
RRA | Rahila Raziq | Exams and Data Manager |
SAN | Samina Naz | Attendance Manager |
SPA | Shahin Patel | Cover Supervisor |
SAQ | Sanah Razaq | Cover Supervisor |
SBE | Shafia Begum | Cleaning Assistant |
SBM | Sajida Begum | Cleaning Assistant |
SKA | Samia Kanwal | Cleaning Supervisor |
SNZ | Shanaz Khan | Catering Assistant |
SPA | Safia Parveen | Catering Assistant |
SSE | Sobia Shafique | Learning Support Assistant |
STR | Stanislawa Trzonkowska | Cleaning / Catering Assistant |
TMI | Taiyba Mir | School Nurse |
TSI | Trudi Simpson | SEND Administrator |
UBI | Umairah Bibi | Receptionist |
ZBE | Zahida Begum | Cleaning Assistant |
ZJO | Zalak Joshi | Catering Assistant |
ZRI | Zarnain Rizvi | Learning Support Assistant |
ZHU | Zathoon Hussain | Creative Arts Technician |
ZUN | Zulaikhah Nawaz | Admissions & Attendance Officer |